• The apparatus is based on the low-temperature effect on subcutaneous fat in order to start the apoptosis process. Before the advent of cryolipolysis, cosmetology techniques of non-surgical liposuction achieved an effect either due to necrosis of fat cells (ultrasound cavitation) or due to a decrease in their volume ( LPG massage , manual anti-cellulite massage, etc.). In the first case, complications due to inflammatory processes of the tissues were possible; in the second, the number of adipocytes did not decrease. Cryolipolysis is the safest technology that reduces the number of fat cells, and Coolsculpting is the world's first medical device for this purpose.


    How does coolsculpting work?

    The procedure on the device lasts up to 60 minutes. The patient is lying on the couch. The skin in the areas affected by the apparatus is pre-treated with a special composition and covered with a gel napkin. The vacuum nozzle draws in a fat fold on the patient’s body into the bowl where the cooling process takes place. The pressure in the capture zone is constantly changing, and thus an additional massage is performed. Discomfort during the procedure is possible in the first 10 minutes, and then there is a loss of sensitivity says the best place for Coolsculpting.

    The exposure temperature on the first devices ranged from -11°C to -13°C. In the 2018 model, it does not fall below -10°C. Coolsculpting implements technology for calculating exposure time and temperature to prevent frostbite on tissues. The device is equipped with temperature sensors, water flow sensors and water temperature sensors. If during the session the exposure temperature drops to -11°C, the device will turn off says the best Coolsculpting Treatment In Boston.


    Coolsculpting system includes:

    • the main and important unit of the apparatus;
    • vacuum nozzle applicators for different areas on the patient's body;
    • gel wipes for uniform cooling;
    • disposable liners to protect the nozzle from the gel;
    • eZ card - removable microchip for recording the procedure.

    What problems does Coolsculpting solve?

    The main purpose is non-surgical liposuction by cryolipolysis. One Coolsculpting procedure removes 20% to 40% of fat cells in the affected area. Body parts that can be corrected:

    • double chin;
    • arms;
    • areas near the armpits;
    • stomach;
    • inner and outer thighs;
    • the area above the knees;
    • sides;
    • shedding bust;
    • lower part of the buttocks.

    Cryolipolysis is recommended for people with overweight not more than 25 kg to get rid of deposits that are not amenable to correction by physical exercises and diets. With obesity and accumulation of adipocytes in the internal cavity, this procedure will be useless.


    General contraindications to contact hypothermia:

    • pregnancy and lactation;
    • manifestations of cryoglobulinemia;
    • hypersensitivity to cold;

    During the Coolsculpting session, pain, burning, tics and cramps in the affected area are possible, but they disappear some time after the start of treatment and are replaced by numbness. After the procedure, redness occurs or, conversely, pallor of the skin, itching, pain, hematomas from the vacuum. These effects disappear without medical intervention.

    Article Source : http://doctorforbotox.mystrikingly.com/blog/what-coolsculpting-is-and-how-it-work

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  • Intravenous infusions of medicines are traditionally divided into 2 types: by gradual, slow administration (drip) and rapid administration (by stream). The slow administration of drugs intravenously is called droppers. Liquid, blood derivatives, vitamins, and nutrients are also added dropwise. Intravenous administration of drugs is an inexpensive, effective method of treating many diseases.


    First, unlike other routes of administration, the drug immediately enters the bloodstream and is transported to the target organs. When taken orally in the form of tablets, part of the drug is retained in the intestine, part is destroyed in the stomach, and the rest is slowly introduced into the blood. Even with an intramuscular injection, the drug must first go into the bloodstream, and then get to the diseased organ. Secondly, it is safe from the point of view of developing infection and controlling the dose and speed of drug administration says Cherry Hill Hydration Clinic.

    Where better to make droppers?

    It is best to conduct them in a polyclinic or day hospital. Hospitalization for droppers is not needed. After treatment, the patient can go home. But the procedure itself is carried out under medical and nursing supervision.

    Why it is better to carry out intravenous drip infusion in the Pain Clinic

    At the same time, in Vitamin Drip Boston the procedure is carried out according to the standard, which includes: examination of the doctor with the optimal selection of the drug, taking into account patient tolerance. Blood pressure monitoring before and after the procedure is important as convenience, comfort and safety are our priorities. Well and most importantly - the procedure is carried out by experienced, responsible procedural sisters who have experience of about 20 years.

    How long does a drip intravenous injection last?

    The time of the dropper depends on the drug and the volume of fluid. As an example, Hangover IV Drip Boston cite the time of the most commonly used drugs in our practice.

    How is the procedure going?

    Droppers are placed taking into account all the necessary physiological and hygienic requirements. For their formulation exclusively disposable systems are used, which are made from non-toxic and hypoallergenic materials.

    Droppers are required to undergo sterilization at the manufacturer. The packaging indicates the date and series of sterilization. Using a similar system, liquids are transfused from a bottle with a rubber stopper.

    What is the danger of unskilled droppers?

    Despite the fact that many patients need to administer medication almost daily, only experienced medical personnel should carry out the procedure. Specialists of Boston Hangover IV put droppers both on an outpatient or inpatient basis and at the patient’s home. If the dropper was delivered incorrectly or by an unqualified specialist, then a number of complications can arise, such as:

    In addition, the nurse or doctor who performs the manipulation must control a number of factors. Their task is to check the tightness of the packaging, the condition of the caps on the needles. It is important to insert the needle correctly and secure the entire system. Everything necessary (including the solution) should be carefully checked - the device itself for sterility and tightness, and the solution for the absence of uncharacteristic turbidity, sediment, foreign particles.

    Article Source : https://evolutionmedspaboston.blogspot.com/2020/05/why-are-droppers-so-popular-in-medicine.html

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  • For people familiar with the treatment, Micro needling has become one of the most popular skin renewal treatments to combat wrinkles, hyper pigmentation and other signs of aging.


    But what is a microgame?

    Procedure of micro needle processing involves the use of little needles to create accurate micro perforations in the areas of contact between the dermis and epidermis. The result is a controlled wound that stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, as well as the renewal and restoration of the skin. It is also often used to prepare the skin for local ingredients, as micro perforation allows skin care ingredients to penetrate the skin more effectively.

    What is Micro needling?

    Micro needling smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, repairs sun damage, lifts and tightens the skin, improves the appearance of scars and reduces pore size. Therefore, this is the desired aesthetic procedure to solve. Micro needling can also be performed on the body to solve problems such as stretch marks and scars.

    Before the micro needle procedure, the skin is cleaned with alcohol and collagen-stimulating topical preparations are applied. Anesthetic may also be used, depending on the patient’s comfort level. After the micro needle process is complete, any number of moisturizers and / or healing agents, as well as masks, can be used to help restore the skin.

    Some products used before treatment include hyaluronic acids, vitamin E, antioxidants, and peptides that moisturize, strengthen, and repair the skin. For some patients, the use of alpha / beta hydroxyl acids and retinols a few weeks before treatment helps prepare the skin for treatment.

    After the micro-flashing procedure, clients may experience mild redness and swelling, although downtime is usually minimal says clinic performing Micro needling in Boston. Micro needling can be carried out every 4-6 weeks until the desired effect is achieved.

    Customer consultation is an important aspect of this procedure. Persons with active acne, skin cancer, or other serious health problems are not candidates for micro games.

    In 2015, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tested several micro needle devices to determine if they comply with government regulations. The FDA has found that micro needle devices with needles longer than 0.3 mm should be classified as a Class 1 medical device. As a result, the FDA has taken action to terminate and terminate against several companies selling micro needle devices longer than 0.3 mm for aesthetic purposes until further notice.

    In short, in accordance with the recommendations of the FDA, cosmetologists can only use devices for micro needles less than 0.3 mm and only those that do not have medical requirements. If the device is smaller than 0.3 mm, but has medical requirements, it also cannot be approved for sale or use. You can search for Micro needling Boston.

    If you are legally permitted to carry out micro-training in accordance with your aesthetics license or if your license requires you to undergo a micro processing program, you can find many training programs and courses in aesthetics schools, as well as through manufacturers and distributors. Micro needling is not included in any of the initial aesthetic education programs leading to state licensing.

    Article Source : https://evolutionmedspaboston.blogspot.com/2020/04/what-should-you-know-about-micro.html

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  • You probably saw the photos on Instagram: the face of a celebrity or an influential person is covered in blood splashes. No, this is not Halloween makeup; in fact, this is one of the latest trends in skin care, also known as “vampire face care”.


    So what is it and how does it work? Do not let the name fool you. In fact, "this is usually done in full light," says the Vampire Facial in Boston. Seriously, treatment is a combination of microdermabrasion followed by PRP (platelet rich plasma). Platelets contain high levels of growth factors, which when applied to the skin stimulate cell metabolism.

    A vampire face care is a person who essentially uses your own blood to promote the healthy activities of your skin cells says Vampire Facial Boston. Our blood is made up of red blood cells and serum that contain our white blood cells and platelets.

    This helps our skin function optimally, increasing everything from collagen to elastin, and also gives antioxidant and moisturizing properties. Platelet-rich plasma is now commonly used locally as part of an ordinary face, used together with a microneedle to enhance penetration into the skin, and is even introduced into the skin in the same way as skin fillers.


    Sounds serious? Well, it’s somehow like that - since the treatment starts with venipuncture (taking blood) to get blood. But, contrary to popular belief, it is relatively painless - except for the first needle injection.

    Typically, this process involves an initial blood sample, then a blood pass through a centrifuge to isolate platelets. Then you get a microtigger or microdermabrasion just before your PRP is applied to the face. This may be accompanied with or without a radio frequency. “It sounds dark and mysterious, but in fact, it is central to our evolving understanding of skin physiology and best practices that can help improve skin quality.

    Regarding recovery, it can take one or two days of downtime before you are ready to take to the streets. Recipients may need one or two days, depending on how aggressive microdermabrasion was on your skin. You will exit the procedure a little red, almost like sunburn, which means that after the procedure it is recommended to use sunscreen. The use of cosmetics, however, is not recommended.

    Are you a candidate?

    Those with “premature wrinkles, high levels of sun damage, or someone who wants their skin to be thinner and fresher” are the ideal candidate for this procedure. However, if you have a history of blood diseases, including bleeding disorders or bleeding, you should not seek PRP treatment.

    As for the risks, there are not as many of them as you think. In fact, the only risk you are actually exposed to is bruising during venipuncture.

    How much is it?

    The cost usually varies, but in a dermatologist’s office, the treatment will cost you about $ 1,000, and the price will vary depending on your provider. Multiple treatments may be required to achieve optimal results, and that treatment should be done no more than once a month.

    Article Source : https://evolutionmedspaboston.blogspot.com/2020/04/what-is-vampire-face-care-everything.html

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  • Many nonspecific symptoms that are widespread in our time, such as increased fatigue, irritability, impaired cognitive functions, sleep disorders, or vice versa - drowsiness, poor appetite, impaired twilight vision, cracks in the lips and in the corners of the mouth ("jams"), acne rash, boils, frequent "barley", easily occurring hemorrhages in the skin, bleeding gums - the most common external symptoms of polyhypovitaminosis.


    Many nonspecific symptoms that are widespread in our time, such as increased fatigue, irritability, impaired cognitive function, sleep disorders, or vice versa - drowsiness, poor appetite, impaired twilight vision, cracks in the lips and in the corners of the mouth ("jams"), acne, boils, frequent "barley", easily occurring hemorrhages in the skin, bleeding gums - the most common external symptoms of polyhypovitaminosis. You can search for IV Boston.

    The erased clinical picture of the course, the absence of pathognomonic symptoms, and the inaccessibility of laboratory diagnostic methods lead to an increasingly widespread spread of hypovitaminosis.

    The increase in the prevalence of polyhypovitamins is also facilitated by the fact that most people living in large cities use food products made with the help of new technologies: refined products, long-term storage products that are practically vitamin-free. The lack of micronutrients during normal nutrition is almost inevitable.

    As a result of irrational chemotherapy, a large number of patients suffer from impaired intestinal microflora and, as a result, insufficient synthesis of group B vitamins. Long-term use of certain medications can cause a decrease in the level of several vitamins. Taking estrogen-containing contraceptives can cause a deficiency of pyridoxine in the body. A decrease in the level of pyridoxine in the body is also noted with prolonged use of certain antibiotics, sulfonamides, phthivazide, isoniazid, cycloserine.

    According to IV Vitamin Therapy Massachusetts, the deficit of vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, folic acid, and minerals: calcium, iron, iodine, and selenium currently affects the decrease in the health indicators of the population of our country.

    Due to the fact that public health today does not have the ability to widely examine the population to identify the level of vitamins and minerals in various regions, IV Hydration Boston can conclude that the problem is much deeper than it is covered in the literature.

    In such a situation, regular prophylactic intake of vitamin-mineral complexes containing micronutrients in doses not exceeding the daily requirement becomes simply necessary.

    The biological role of vitamins in the body

    Thiamine normalizes the activity of the central and peripheral nervous systems, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.

    The development of severe paralysis in thiamine deficiency indicates the special role of thiamine in neurons. Thiamine is also involved in the transmission of nervous excitation by affecting the exchange of acetylcholine and serotonin.

    Vitamin B1 in the form of thiamine pyrophosphate is an integral part of at least four enzymes involved in the intermediate metabolism. When this vitamin is deficient, carbohydrate and other types of metabolism are disturbed, resulting in excessive accumulation of a-keto acids and pentozosugars in the body, a negative nitrogen balance develops, and amino acids and creatinine begin to be excreted in the urine in increased amounts.

    Article Source : https://evolutionmedspaboston.blogspot.com/2020/04/the-function-of-vitamin-complexes-in.html

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